Design Layouts contain special occasion themes that can be used for holidays, graduations, and other celebrations. They function just like the Simple Layouts described in Printing Simple Layouts.
Suite Feature: Create Your Own Design Layouts: If you own the FotoFinish Suite Edition, you can customize any of the built-in layouts, and you can also design your own layouts and save them for future use. This is perfect for creating flyers, brochures, and business templates.
Printing the Image Names and Annotations
While you’re selecting a printing layout, you can also choose to print the image name, description, and a footer that includes the page number and date of your photo. Simply check the boxes next to the options you want.
Next, in the Select Output Settings dialog, you can select the printer, the page range, and the number of copies to print. These settings work the way they do in most Windows programs that you’re familiar with. After making your selections, click Print.
Select Output Settings